Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Days 94-98: December 17-21, 2010

Continuing with the holiday theme......

 mom made cheesecake then i made her sit in the backseat cause my leg hurt.... and that is the story behind this gem

yayayyy christmas!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 93: Thursday December 16, 2010

yep this pile of underwear is on my desk at work... come by and ill throw them at you its my new favorite pastime.

Day 92 :Wednesday December 15, 2010

yep my mother is really proud of me...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 83-90: December 6-13th, 2010

i know i know i know..... but i have one for every day of last week. i was just out of the office and in meetings in the city till late everynight :(
MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS... this is the door to ground floor freezr box!!!!!! welcome.. i find the breezy blue welcoming.. if only i had capture troy aikman next to the door!

Last week we had a work dinner in Little Italy.... it was delightful and soo full of christmas cheer!
this is the hallway.. not much else to say.. except some of the decorations are starting to look a little sad

LUCY!!!!!!!!! if only she had a NY cousin albert :(
yep Macys... went there last week and immediatly left it looks alot nicer outside 

would it be a blog post without a shot of number 1 fan!

yayyayyayayayy christmas tree!!!!!!
top of the empire state building.. it was sooo prettty and cold. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 82: Sunday December 5, 2010

HI CATS!!!!!

this is literally the first time we have opened our blinds.... they must be under the crazy impression its warmer inside then it is out in their little cement dreamland its not until after 10 pm that is then welcome to our sauna...

day 80-81: December 3-4, 2010

ok so i know December 4th is a Saturday and this is a lovely picture of me painting shoes at work... it took a surprisingly long time! the other picture is this blogs #1 fan!!!! and yes this is how a repay my favorite vinyl vixen.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 79: Thursday December 2, 2010

yayyyy two days in a row... new leaf!!!!

they decorated LIC yay.... i really have a way with words

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 78: Wednesday December 1, 2010

yay December!!! seee i am already doing better! and yay i just jinxed it 
anyway thats my calendar ( ill be needing a new one hint hint) Those are pictures of the dogs ill never have :( 
they look so happy at what appears to be a farm (which is ironic because thats where dead dogs go) yep i dont know where i am going with this one.. its your own fault for commenting on my lack of posts. 

Days 70-77: November 23-30 2010

Ok so i swear i am going to try better in December. i wont lie that this blog is quickly turning into like everything else in my life. I will just be adding it to my list of things done half assed..oppps

anyway heres a quick recap of thanskgiving week in pictures...

after glee last week melissa and i needed some quality time with our main man.. it was sooo worth it
god bless whats his name?

i was trying to take artsy pictures of my sibilings so i could remember always how much they love me and jamesy gave me this.... i see how it is now i will just always remember your luscious locks

maggie too tried to ignore me but i overcame her indifference and snapped this gem.. i wish they would let you turn off the camera noise on the bb so i could take stealthy pictures and they wouldnt be able to look away and roll their eyes..... 

i accidentally took this picture but was too lazy to delete it sooo im going with it.. this is while we waited for the start of glorious harry potter 

hey anne? do they even celebrate this holiday?

and this is part of the many baskets and bags of laundry i washed and took back to my apartment after a glorious thanksgiving holiday... 
i think i am only one picture short (which is shocking) but i can tell you it would if i had been so savy to take a picture wrapping up this joyous weekend one be one of a light saber bc on saturday and sunday i pretty much watched all 6 star wars movies since it was the only thing on tv and i lost my debit card so i couldnt go shopping... 

i promise ill try harder next month so all of my 4 followers stay entertained in the clearly pressing daily activites of my life

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Days 64-69: November 18- 22, 2010

it is not my fault that absolutely nothing exciting happens in my life .. i could post a boring picture of my desk every day if you would like? anyway the last week has been filled with fakesgiving activities and prep. Heres a picture of the celebration......

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 63: Wednesday November 17, 2010

300 dollars laterand you can have for dinner shredded cheese and a side of hummus...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 62: Tuesday November 16, 2010

yay the kings of leon concert was awesome.. but more importantly on my way there i saw a lady giving birth on the subway platform of the A at times square.. there really isnt much more to say other then im scarred for life.

Day 61: Monday November 15, 2010

happy birthday grace!

Monday, November 15, 2010

days 47-60: November 2 - November 14, 2010

Since i seem to be the worst blogger ever!! and because we had this crazy virus on our work computers my blog took a few days off.. instead of actually posting 1 picture a day for the time i was lets be real ignoring this i will just post a selection of the fascinating pictures i have taken.

this is a gem... this is a creepy choir i saw in the subway the other day .. im like 97% sure thats jimbob and michelle in the background haording there creepy children.

this is when the premarathon ran past my hungover self makign me feel liek a really good put together person at 9 am while i was on the way to my hair appointment.

mozart balls!!!!! who knew i didnt have to go all the way to austria to partake in these little gems.. i could have just gone to the bodega on my corner.. we live in such a diverse neighborhood this was right next to the 40's of natty

and when i have nothing exciting or i forget to take pictures i take what i believe to be artsy shots aka i point the camera and say ohh im sooo artsy.. hence the table in the apt and the bush in the backyard... and i threw some kiss boots in for your veiwing pleasure.. fancy i know

i really really really am going to try harder to do this everyday.. new life plan yay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 46: Monday November 1 2010

booooo.. as much as we all bitch and moan, now what? clearly the past month took a toll on our cubicles there was crap everyyywhere! reset the clocks kids 364 days till we do it all over again.

Day 45: Sunday October 31, 2010

last minute stragglers and the employees giving them stink eye...

Day 44: Saturday October 30, 2010

the big day.... yes for us at rubies its the 30th! work work work work work followed by a costume change and reincarnation of the cast of the nanny... pics of that to follow when i find my camera cord.

Day 43: Friday October 29, 2010

day 1 of halloween weekend...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 42: Thursday October 28, 2010

Day 41: Wednesday October 27 2010

Day 40: Tuesday October 26, 2010

its getting crowded...........

Day 39: Monday October 25, 2010

Day 1 of hell week.. heres Robby and Raffa attempting to look like temp store employees? there was a theme behind this picture what it was who knows... also i was very committed for liek that one day of writing more then a sentence to accompany these pictures but i have been horrible about updating so i thought maybe i would just through in longer posts once in a while or at least one everytime i post a bunch of pictures.