Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Days 70-77: November 23-30 2010

Ok so i swear i am going to try better in December. i wont lie that this blog is quickly turning into like everything else in my life. I will just be adding it to my list of things done half assed..oppps

anyway heres a quick recap of thanskgiving week in pictures...

after glee last week melissa and i needed some quality time with our main man.. it was sooo worth it
god bless whats his name?

i was trying to take artsy pictures of my sibilings so i could remember always how much they love me and jamesy gave me this.... i see how it is now i will just always remember your luscious locks

maggie too tried to ignore me but i overcame her indifference and snapped this gem.. i wish they would let you turn off the camera noise on the bb so i could take stealthy pictures and they wouldnt be able to look away and roll their eyes..... 

i accidentally took this picture but was too lazy to delete it sooo im going with it.. this is while we waited for the start of glorious harry potter 

hey anne? do they even celebrate this holiday?

and this is part of the many baskets and bags of laundry i washed and took back to my apartment after a glorious thanksgiving holiday... 
i think i am only one picture short (which is shocking) but i can tell you it would if i had been so savy to take a picture wrapping up this joyous weekend one be one of a light saber bc on saturday and sunday i pretty much watched all 6 star wars movies since it was the only thing on tv and i lost my debit card so i couldnt go shopping... 

i promise ill try harder next month so all of my 4 followers stay entertained in the clearly pressing daily activites of my life

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