Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 83-90: December 6-13th, 2010

i know i know i know..... but i have one for every day of last week. i was just out of the office and in meetings in the city till late everynight :(
MERRRRRY CHRISTMAS... this is the door to ground floor freezr box!!!!!! welcome.. i find the breezy blue welcoming.. if only i had capture troy aikman next to the door!

Last week we had a work dinner in Little Italy.... it was delightful and soo full of christmas cheer!
this is the hallway.. not much else to say.. except some of the decorations are starting to look a little sad

LUCY!!!!!!!!! if only she had a NY cousin albert :(
yep Macys... went there last week and immediatly left it looks alot nicer outside 

would it be a blog post without a shot of number 1 fan!

yayyayyayayayy christmas tree!!!!!!
top of the empire state building.. it was sooo prettty and cold. 

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