Monday, November 15, 2010

days 47-60: November 2 - November 14, 2010

Since i seem to be the worst blogger ever!! and because we had this crazy virus on our work computers my blog took a few days off.. instead of actually posting 1 picture a day for the time i was lets be real ignoring this i will just post a selection of the fascinating pictures i have taken.

this is a gem... this is a creepy choir i saw in the subway the other day .. im like 97% sure thats jimbob and michelle in the background haording there creepy children.

this is when the premarathon ran past my hungover self makign me feel liek a really good put together person at 9 am while i was on the way to my hair appointment.

mozart balls!!!!! who knew i didnt have to go all the way to austria to partake in these little gems.. i could have just gone to the bodega on my corner.. we live in such a diverse neighborhood this was right next to the 40's of natty

and when i have nothing exciting or i forget to take pictures i take what i believe to be artsy shots aka i point the camera and say ohh im sooo artsy.. hence the table in the apt and the bush in the backyard... and i threw some kiss boots in for your veiwing pleasure.. fancy i know

i really really really am going to try harder to do this everyday.. new life plan yay

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