Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Days 64-69: November 18- 22, 2010

it is not my fault that absolutely nothing exciting happens in my life .. i could post a boring picture of my desk every day if you would like? anyway the last week has been filled with fakesgiving activities and prep. Heres a picture of the celebration......

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 63: Wednesday November 17, 2010

300 dollars laterand you can have for dinner shredded cheese and a side of hummus...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 62: Tuesday November 16, 2010

yay the kings of leon concert was awesome.. but more importantly on my way there i saw a lady giving birth on the subway platform of the A at times square.. there really isnt much more to say other then im scarred for life.

Day 61: Monday November 15, 2010

happy birthday grace!

Monday, November 15, 2010

days 47-60: November 2 - November 14, 2010

Since i seem to be the worst blogger ever!! and because we had this crazy virus on our work computers my blog took a few days off.. instead of actually posting 1 picture a day for the time i was lets be real ignoring this i will just post a selection of the fascinating pictures i have taken.

this is a gem... this is a creepy choir i saw in the subway the other day .. im like 97% sure thats jimbob and michelle in the background haording there creepy children.

this is when the premarathon ran past my hungover self makign me feel liek a really good put together person at 9 am while i was on the way to my hair appointment.

mozart balls!!!!! who knew i didnt have to go all the way to austria to partake in these little gems.. i could have just gone to the bodega on my corner.. we live in such a diverse neighborhood this was right next to the 40's of natty

and when i have nothing exciting or i forget to take pictures i take what i believe to be artsy shots aka i point the camera and say ohh im sooo artsy.. hence the table in the apt and the bush in the backyard... and i threw some kiss boots in for your veiwing pleasure.. fancy i know

i really really really am going to try harder to do this everyday.. new life plan yay

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Day 46: Monday November 1 2010

booooo.. as much as we all bitch and moan, now what? clearly the past month took a toll on our cubicles there was crap everyyywhere! reset the clocks kids 364 days till we do it all over again.

Day 45: Sunday October 31, 2010

last minute stragglers and the employees giving them stink eye...

Day 44: Saturday October 30, 2010

the big day.... yes for us at rubies its the 30th! work work work work work followed by a costume change and reincarnation of the cast of the nanny... pics of that to follow when i find my camera cord.

Day 43: Friday October 29, 2010

day 1 of halloween weekend...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 42: Thursday October 28, 2010

Day 41: Wednesday October 27 2010

Day 40: Tuesday October 26, 2010

its getting crowded...........

Day 39: Monday October 25, 2010

Day 1 of hell week.. heres Robby and Raffa attempting to look like temp store employees? there was a theme behind this picture what it was who knows... also i was very committed for liek that one day of writing more then a sentence to accompany these pictures but i have been horrible about updating so i thought maybe i would just through in longer posts once in a while or at least one everytime i post a bunch of pictures.